05 August, 2012

Electrolysis and Fire!

This is part of a series on cleaning cast iron with electrolysis.

I couldn't resist any longer and I decided to try to light the hydrogen on fire.

04 August, 2012

The cake is not a lie!

I tried to upload a picture of my birthday cake, which looks very much like the cake from portal, but the upload froze repeatedly and I gave up.

So, I guess the cake is a lie, after all.

Electrolysis Continued

Please read earlier safety warnings before attempting this.

It has now been 6.5 hours total running time with the current on. However, I've had a busy week and the skillet has spent plenty of time sitting in the water with nothing happening. I think the rust sediments settled on it because it looks a bit browner than before.

The wire mesh I was using as an anode has disintegrated and is now useless. No more current through that. I have replaced it with a stainless steel kitchen rack thing from IKEA. The new rack does not reach as deep down into the skillet, so I am concerned that I am going to get most current flowing through the rim and not as much cleaning down at the bottom.